Listing this is bittersweet…

Lori Baden laments about selling her unique barn home near the beach.

So we’re headed home to Pennsylvania and West Virginia to be back close to family. And early in the wee hours of the morning, I listed our beautiful barn home. It’s truly bittersweet because we planned to stay here forever. We have so many memories in the short time we’ve been here and even got married here.

I just pray some other person or family will love it and care for it as much as we have.

For more details, you can go to– or you can enter 2199 Freedom Pkwy, Hardeeville in Zillow or Realtor. com. You may not have to login there, but I can assure you, they will collect your information anyway. 😉

But I’ll go ahead and share the wonderful photos by AJ Pierro Photography . He’s totally awesome and was a pleasure to meet.

I have a feeling I will cry everytime I look at these photos. Tears of happiness, sadness, joys and memories made… That’s what a home should do for you.