Put Your Love into Action

How are you going to put your love in action for Hurricane Harvey victims?

We saw love in action, here last fall in the lowcountry after Hurricane Matthew.  My headline photo for this blog post is from my beloved Bluffton.  We went thru quite a lot together last October and in the following months. And this graphic on the side of an old building in our historic sea village,  still remains a symbol of us coming together and being strong for one another. Loving one another.

And I just knew I had to be strong and be involved with helping however I could when I saw Hurricane Harvey looming off the Texas shoreline.  I don’t want anyone to feel alone.  I want them to feel loved and know that we will take care of each other.

So I’ve been busy.  I volunteered to help eXp agents affected by Hurricane Harvey.  I can’t begin to describe how grateful I am, for an awesome team of colleagues and staff who are doing such an amazing job.  I am proud to be a part of such an amazing group of people.

Especially seeing some of our agents, like George Huntoon and Sondra Richard, amongst others, going out and coordinating/conducting rescues…..


Just wow! The whole “Cajun Navy” has been doing remarkable things, and George and Sondra are love in action!  eXp will do whatever we can with the amazing resources our staff and fellow agents have, to help them show this amazing love across Texas and Louisiana.

And then tonight,  I saw this:

I sobbed. Didn’t you?  We’ve been so divided as a country in the last year or so.  Some would argue a hundred  years or more.

But it is so true.  We need to see love.  We need to recognize love.  And that comes in all colors.  Our country is amazing.  We need to see that too.  Let’s join together to do great things to help one another.

If you care to help eXp agents; some of whom have lost a little, some who have lost everything, and all will lose a lot of business over the coming months to years due to their commission based income, please consider giving to our corporate eXp Go Fund Me Hurricane Harvey account.    Or give to the charity of your choice doing good things and showing love.

Put your love into action.  Thank you.

Monday Morning on the Sea Islands

Brief video and photos of Hunting Island and St. Helena Island, just outside of Beaufort, SC by Lori Bee.

I had an appointment out on St. Helena Island this morning.   I love visiting the Sea Islands of St. Helena, Harbor, Fripp and especially Hunting Island.   It’s like something lures my soul out there to recharge.    And that is what I did today, just soaking all that beauty and peacefulness in.

Here is a link to just a little bit of history in a recent article by Travel+Leisure Magazine,  and below is a short video of my stops today.  But I’d love to personally show you a life you would love on the Sea Islands of South Carolina.  Just let me know where your soul is calling you to Bee at the Beach.